
  • Andrew Kasch replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    While I see and acknowledge these red flags, Larry, I also think your conversation had more to do with personality clashes than something more nefarious. Morgan and I have certainly gone at it in the past, but I don’t think he’s the kind of person you believe him to be.

    My conversion to BOS was the most reluctant thing I’ve ever done in this…[Read more]

  • Henry Flores became a registered member 6 years, 7 months ago

  • BoS peeps: Kindly digest with a clear and reasoned mind.
    “Do not pledge loyalty lightly…”

    My call was…totally different.

    Morgan threatened me.

    Now, I’ve criticized @111error and BoS. While Morgan has been my subject for ridicule, I never had animosity towards him or BoS. I’ve always been neutral – you go your way and I’ll go mine. Our agen…[Read more]

  • Cara replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    Since much of the info has been covered already, here’s what we discussed that may or may not be relevant:

    After some playful back-and-forth about the mispronunciation of my name (It’s Cara not Cara 🤪) we got to the Q&A portion of the call.

    I asked if Morgan @111error was behind the recent OSDM outreach adventure. Yes, he/BOS is behind the int…[Read more]

  • Morgan was very charming, I must say. I can see now why people love him. Up until now I had only seen his brusque and/or sarcastic side, but he was extremely affable on the phone and he talked to me like I was an old friend. We spent half the conversation talking about candy, because I had made a joke on Slack about British candies that he’d found…[Read more]

  • Candace replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    Morgan 🖤 it was such a pleasant surprise.

    .BOS was behind yesterday’s note interception. They weren’t picking up their mail, the letters were stacking up, why?! He doesn’t know. He also doesn’t know who they are. He’s never heard of any of those names and titles besides clockmaker of course. Maybe they’re higher than the OSDM, maybe a parallel…[Read more]

  • Kevin replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    By the time it got to me, I had kind of figured it was going to be Morgan. When he picked up, I didn’t catch his voice right away, so gave my full name when he asked who I was like a dope. We covered a lot of the same stuff, so I’ll try and hit what hasn’t been discussed already.

    I asked how long he had had the page that he posted and he said for…[Read more]

  • Lauren Bello replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    fucking A

    I see what you did there.

  • Hrm. I’m glad (seriously, for you) that you felt like this was a massive victory.

    I don’t know that I feel like the BOS taking over the media–when the OSDM has gone silent FROM all the media, which probably means they’re not currently willing/able/ready to strike back–is as much a victory as taking advantage of a situation. Something one can be…[Read more]

  • Andrew Kasch replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    I’ll spare you all the details, but it was incredibly awesome to hear Morgan’s voice. After what happened at Anointment, BOS needed a victory and my God, was this a crushing blow.

    One odd thing came up: Morgan noted how interesting it was that Jenna had been in contact with me for years, asking for my help…and suddenly, I’m the one who…[Read more]

  • Chloe replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    I called and the voice on the other line asked “Is this Chloe?” Said yes and then was asked “Do you know who I am?” The accent unfortunately didn’t register until he asked who else I knew that had an English accent. It was none other than our benevolent leader (that, of course, still calls me Chloe Cello) @111error. I’m going to make a list to…[Read more]

  • I made my call. A recognizable voice answered. He asked for my name.

    I gave him my real name. He then responded with, “So you’re the Unseen Presence, aren’t you? The Unseen Floor of <something I didn’t quite catch>.”

    He asked if I knew who he was. “Morgan, of course.”

    “How are you? How’s tricks?” A little banter. Then he asked me if I had any…[Read more]

  • I had called and of course, Morgan had answered. We spoke of the social media accounts that went down and he took full responsibility (fucking A). He then told me he was in control of most of the accounts. He also let me know a little secret, the Trolling A was usually your dearest, Morgan. He had taken the accounts down and put up the pics…[Read more]

  • Nate Marcum replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    Chris, I agree about the answers bit. He made mention that there won’t be any cryptic malarkey; we want answers, and he will provide, just as he did yesterday.

  • Chris replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    It’s my turn to call the mysterious number from Pennsylvania and the sound of a curt American man’s voice asks me my name.

    “Chris! And you are?”
    “Worried for you, buddy,” he says as the voice softens into a familiar British lilt.

    Don’t call it a comeback, because Morgan never really left. Here are some of the insights he shared:

    As w…[Read more]

  • Maranda replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    I called, Morgan answered. This was my first time speaking with him, so we exchanged a few pleasantries before he said I could ask questions. Morgan knows about as much as we do about the document @a posted in slack earlier. No info on the alpha conclave, the emissary, or the scripter. What he did say was that the BOS was responsible for when FB…[Read more]

  • Lauren Bello replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    A’s chat leading up to the leak – I’ve removed some participant comments for readability.

    (re: discussion of the BOS email, which was in the process of being posted)
    oh great
    i can’t wait to see

    (when accused of trolling)
    Trolling? Not today
    not anymore

    It’s curious A (and even this Slack) is still functional after all pro…[Read more]

  • Maranda replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    We have started a queue in the slack chat, come sign up if you want in! Calls are currently taking about 5-6 minutes each.

  • Chris started the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    Posting this for the discussion once the all clear is given after everyone’s call is made.

    Today @a, in an uncharacteristic bout of transparency and agreeability, posted on the Slack what appeared to be an OSDM internal document detailing procedures relating to the positions of Ambassadors, Emissaries, Scripters, and the possible origins of the…[Read more]

  • Okay. During a time of cleansing
    * likely right now or just past, perhaps during a transformation or important religious time for the OSDM

    the assigned Clockmaker has to destroy all electronic media from members and start “The Abstention Protocol”
    * likely exactly that–abstain from using media. So current media black-out.

    until ‘relegation’ can…[Read more]

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