
  • Melissa Howland posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    It sounds like anyone who started to get close to the pages was quickly approached by a member of the ODSM. My question is, with them taking our phones, how have so many pages been discovered? Who is leaking this information? Either someone from the BOS was sly as can be to acquire them all, or they were given the info. If they were given the info, could it have been leaked by the ODSM? Could they now be trying to influence our thoughts or… possibly changed things a bit to lead us off of the course? Either way, as @kasch said… we have joined the BOS. Sorry if this sounds repetitive, dubious, unlettered or naive… but I have to wonder how anyone could have gotten photos of all of the pages, and whether or not the info was tampered with. Apologies if this offends. I am new, and do not know many people. I am just an inquisitive person.

    • Especially if it came from an anonymous source…

    • I received the pages from multiple credible sources after I put myself forward as a go-between- protecting the anonymity of those who smuggled them out that may have been afraid of potential repercussions. I can’t speak to how they managed it as I did not attend the event myself. But. People managed to get them out all the same.

      • After it was revealed in the parking lot before entering that I am Morgan’s right hand, those in my group became very enthusiastic to pass messages to Morgan via me. Several of them after witnessing what they had seen inside came straight to me in the lot afterwards to share their experiences and conversations in hopes that the BOS could be abreast of everything. One woman in particular in my group (who I am keeping anonymous until she tells me she is comfortable) grabbed and stashed a page of the book and smuggled it out to present to me in hopes that BOS could benefit from it. I shared this page both with supporters in the community, and with Blondie directly in order to make sure it could be compiled with the other information she had received.

    • And the number of pages recovered is reasonably small considering how many I think there are…

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