Kevin replied to the topic Noah Phonecall 7/22 in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 5 months ago
@shankfx22 Is he knocking them down to build them up or just because he likes doing it? He’s never really seemed to care about anyone other than himself (though he did want Sarah to be safe at one point). As he’s stated, he really likes telling people what to do.
Jackie replied to the topic Noah Phonecall 7/22 in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 5 months ago
Hahaha @shankfx22 Right?
I am getting the sense that he enjoys knocking people down to see how hard they will fight for what they want… so how badly do you want to be a part of The System?
I like this thing. This particular rabbit hole interests me because it asks the question: Self improvement at all cost. But at the cost of what? Noah d…[Read more]
Chris replied to the topic Duality Beings and Why are we here? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 5 months ago
I´ve joked that I´m going a little crazy here and thinking about the whole family/bigger picture thing, the whole RA/Horus/Set Ancient Egypt thing, the Sun/Son, the whole story about Horus´ eye (Resurrection) and I´m starting to think that instead of Anoch, this time they will try to rise dear Mommy form the dead, rs. (Laughs ner…[Read more]
Chris replied to the topic Duality Beings and Why are we here? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 5 months ago
But the question is? How this massive energy created by this will be used?
I also love this symbolism of the yin yang, its one of my favorites. Its really shows that light does not exist without dark, rightness without caos, and all the analogies possible here. The alchemists had an amazing view of the ouroboros also, as the world…[Read more] -
Chris replied to the topic Duality Beings and Why are we here? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 5 months ago
@shankfx22 I was just reading your post! 😉 thanks!
Violet replied to the topic Duality Beings and Why are we here? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 5 months ago
hmmm…back again with the ocean metaphors.
I have always felt there is another side to me I haven’t been able to quite reach, due to life shit & emotional trauma, and I’ve had the discussion of duality over many a bowl pack with many a friend. I really love what @shankfx22 said – “We are here to find an outlet to break free of something that…[Read more]
Brad Ruwe replied to the topic Gathering of The Resistance – 7/19 in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 5 months ago
This is an edited post at the request of Jose.
The night started off normal as usual at Idle Hour, caught up, discussed the game, enjoyed our drinks. We saw the Periscope from the “fence sitters” go up regarding Noah’s visit and the delivery of the url. I, of course being the asshole I can be at times, started my own Periscope to point out the u…[Read more]
Brad Ruwe replied to the topic Gathering of The Resistance – 7/19 in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 5 months ago
This is an edited post at the request of Jose.
The night started off normal as usual at Idle Hour, caught up, discussed the game, enjoyed our drinks. We saw the Periscope from the “fence sitters” go up regarding Noah’s visit and the delivery of the url. I, of course being the asshole I can be at times, started my own Periscope to point out the u…[Read more]
Brad Ruwe replied to the topic Gathering of The Resistance – 7/19 in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 5 months ago
The night started off normal as usual at Idle Hour, caught up, discussed the game, enjoyed our drinks. We saw the Periscope from the “fence sitters” go up regarding Noah’s visit and the delivery of the url. I, of course being the asshole I can be at times, started my own Periscope to point out the url error from the other group. I also threw in a…[Read more]
Brad Ruwe replied to the topic Gathering of The Resistance – 7/19 in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 5 months ago
The night started off normal as usual at Idle Hour, caught up, discussed the game, enjoyed our drinks. We saw the Periscope from the “fence sitters” go up regarding Noah’s visit and the delivery of the url. I, of course being the asshole I can be at times, started my own Periscope to point out the url error from the other group. I also threw in a…[Read more]
Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic Sinclair Fucks in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 5 months ago
Noah went out of his way to recruit The Ronin.
He also smells good. I almost went gay for him. And @shankfx22 had a major girl boner for him.
And he had no problem drinking cheap liquor.
The Resistance had to resort to deception to recruit. Ronin respect honor. The Resistance has none.
The Ronin recognize what the System may have to…[Read more]
Shaun replied to the topic 7/18 "The System is coming" FB video in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 5 months ago
That’s not a laugh track you hear @shankfx22 it’s heaps and heaps of applause from the disciples of Noah.
Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic Duality Beings and Why are we here? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 5 months ago
@thebuz Thanks for giving me reasons to circle back to my favorite circle-jerk topic. This is what Jung’s entire theory of depth psychology is based on: finding the Self. Becoming whole. We do that through discovery and awareness of what is in our unconscious. The Ego, The Shadow, Personas, Anima/Animus, all the different parts of ourselves…[Read more]
Megan replied to the topic Duality Beings and Why are we here? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 5 months ago
@shankfx22 – I was asked to my face several times by characters last year why I was there, and I might be misremembering when I say “shouted at.” But i meant that literally, not metaphorically. Because….
Cristen replied to the topic FB Post – 7/17/17 in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 5 months ago
Concurring with @shankfx22 and @kevin here that the presence of a futurist painting about the collision of Old vs New is a window to what’s to come. As far as goals…OSDM as always is mining emotional data, and perhaps seeking to bring back Anoch in the flesh. BOS wants to stop that; at least, that what we’ve been told they want so far. Things…[Read more]
Megan replied to the topic How do you Spread The System? in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 6 months ago
@shankfx22 – that’s hot. yeah I’m late to the party I know.
Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic How do you Spread The System? in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 6 months ago
@shankfx22 Does this mean it would be a good idea for me to provide my own photo to be
dismemberedmanipulated? -
Brad Ruwe replied to the topic How do you Spread The System? in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 6 months ago
Is it just me, or is this a reference to our dear sweet Dolores Umbridge copy, @joycecarlberg?
Chelsea replied to the topic How do you Spread The System? in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 6 months ago
@shankfx22 You sexy son of a bitch. This is gorgeous. Can I hang this on my wall? I’m going to hang this on my wall.
Cristen replied to the topic How do you Spread The System? in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 6 months ago
@kortneydarling and @shankfx22, you talented angels have very much reignited my desire to recreate the gory Lust Facebook paintings.
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