Brian E replied to the topic Otis…. in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 11 months ago
It’s entirely possible Otis is just a guy, that met @mike so be wary of what you say to him and how. We don’t know if he’s an in game character or a real guy at this time. Although he doesn’t like pineapple pizza so who knows.. ….
@seandecker You’re facebook post on Otis’s wall about how to avoid a cult was too funny…
Kimberly Stewart replied to the topic The Most Important Thing in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 11 months ago
Thank you @seandecker.
@thebuz: Remember that time Gatekeeper2 said we played out our roles to perfection, with a strength and conviction that surprised them all? It was my honor being named alongside you.
Kimberly Stewart replied to the topic Shadow Sean Decker in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 11 months ago
@sdecker: You are more real than real. There is no doubt. Any theories on why the fake @seandecker would want to create an account in your name?
Kimberly Stewart started the topic Shadow Sean Decker in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 11 months ago
This account: @seandecker, is not the real Sean Decker. The real Sean Decker has been trying to make an account for well over a week now, with no luck. He and I have talked in detail on this matter and I believe him 100%. He’s motivated to get on forum so he can cover Lust as a member of the press, as well as enjoy as a participant. He’s tried two…[Read more]