Candace posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago
Ok guys come on in theatre there is something called the suspension of disbelief. Whether those cops were in on the show or not, we are supposed to believe that he got picked up by the cops! Why do we keep trying to find these flaws to prove it’s all fake? we already KNOW it’s all fake!! It’s a show. Is there a good reason that I’m missing for this idea about the cops being fake other than wanting to know if he really got arrested or not?
@pandace88 I think the most obvious answer to this is in regards to the fourth wall and how often The Creators blew it to smithereens during Tension. We used to find ourselves relying on the logic of “it’s a show… suspend disbelief” just to be made fools when the thing in question became a relevant part of the show.
I have so many thoughts on this topic right now, but I’m not certain how meta we can or should be getting on this forum. Is there any guidance or recommendations from anyone on that front?
@bruinbown I personally believe everything is fair game, but there really are no rules on the matter.
Perhaps one reason why people are digging into it is because Tension (and now presumably Lust) had a history of breaking the fourth wall in ways that have never been done before, to the point where there were stories inside stories (Ascension was just a play, an experience). So when we see what appear to be fake cops, we don’t know if we’re supposed to take it at face value (i.e. Noah was arrested) or if we’re supposed to read into it to figure out that someone sent fake cops to appear to take him in. There aren’t lines any more as much as there are blurry streaks of gray.
My God…Can this be any more of a mind fuck? Lmao
You bet it can!
RIGHT? We are in a world within worlds. I just wanted to know for the actor’s sake, but FUCK IT. Noah wouldn’t give a damn if we got arrested. Not more than it would take to make an example of us.