Maddyxxx started the topic YOU WANT MY HARD DRIVE in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 4 months ago
Maddyxxx posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago
Maddyxxx posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago
you know you WANT IT…
Maddyxxx posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago
Maddyxxx started the topic LOVE YOU in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 4 months ago
LOONNNGGGGGGGGGG – Facebook Facebook Facebook…
Maddyxxx started the topic XXXXXXX in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 4 months ago
You KNOW you want me…. YEAAAA
Maddyxxx replied to the topic Does it matter? in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
Message received. 😉 😉 xoxo.
A warning for some of you that I know all too well…
BOS, NEW BOS, OLD BOS, ODSM, sometimes OSDM, HCDI (sp?)… (OH BOY, I said them all out loud!!!)
Are groups.
Groups can support you.
They can let you down.
They can teach you how to salsa.
I asked you as an individual what YOU were going…[Read more]
Maddyxxx replied to the topic Does it matter? in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
Slow clap for everyone so far…
For the rest of you?
I hear a looooot of people out there thinking.
That’s not good.
That means that you may be living yourself for others, for their approval and what they are going think, you might be wondering if yours is going to be good enough and how everyone is going to judge you!!!
They don’t matter.…[Read more]
Maddyxxx replied to the topic Does it matter? in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
Close but no cigar @wanda102
10 seconds and 10 seconds only to say what YOU are going to DO with what you know, with what you recently declared. I don’t give a fuck what you learned as long as you do something about it.
I am not going to really DO anything for you.
I never will. I can suggest, show, demand, scream, hug, run around etc but…[Read more]
Maddyxxx replied to the topic Does it matter? in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
And let me be extra clear for those riding on the short bus…
No long winded speeches, no soliloquies, no monologues, no pontification.. leave that to the professionals.
Get it out, all of it, in 10 seconds or less.
Maddyxxx started the topic Does it matter? in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
And here we are.
We all dug deep. You felt things. I said things.
That was fun right?
Opening those wounds… sharing your soul.
Here comes the most fun of all.
You have 10 seconds.
Your friends and strangers can say nice things. I can say nice things.
You have 10 seconds.
Your enemies can react with hostility. I can react with h…[Read more]
Maddyxxx replied to the topic Shut the fuck up and eat your (blanks)-ables – Follow Up in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
I’m up.
Maddyxxx replied to the topic Shut the fuck up and eat your (blanks)-ables – Follow Up in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
@maddyxxx good start. I see we have the whip… Fuck me indeed. I like it. As for the rest, can you prove it? Are these beliefs you hold so very tightly to facts?
“I am in control of my life to an extent that it exhausts me.” Can both of those things actually be true at the same time? You tell me.
From here on out let’s make a periscope,…[Read more]
Maddyxxx replied to the topic Shut the fuck up and eat your (blanks)-ables – Follow Up in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
@coryphella If you truly already believe it won’t help you in any way before you’ve already done it then don’t do it. We don’t waste time around here. If you kind of secretly hope maybe something might come out of it without really sort of giving it your all and taking a meta stance about who and what it means on six different levels of your own…[Read more]
Maddyxxx started the topic Shut the fuck up and eat your (blanks)-ables – Follow Up in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
Good times.
How much fun was that?!
We all learned a little something something didn’t we?
Sometimes the things we carry around, the things that that we think have so much power over us, sometimes they don’t have as much power as we thought do they?
We can also take away their power, not by avoiding the…[Read more]
Maddyxxx replied to the topic Shut the fuck up and eat your (blanks)-ables in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
Sleep-sleeps time @nothenrygale… Thank you for the compliment but while it may look like we are playing checkers, it’s a bit of 3-D chess.
Update in the morning.
Let’s all wake up, shave 1997 off our face and hit the ground running.
Night night.
Maddyxxx replied to the topic Shut the fuck up and eat your (blanks)-ables in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
@timsmyname I don’t remember saying, “That will be $10 but not on my face.”
Just kidding big guy, let’s be friends again. I look forward to seeing your choice.
Everyone is doing the thing. Keep it up.
Maddyxxx replied to the topic Shut the fuck up and eat your (blanks)-ables in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
@blondie I literally don’t even know what you are talking about, this isn’t about on a train or not on a train. You can cheat in life all you want, in fact I often encourage it, but when it comes to learning something or not learning something you only short cut yourself if you don’t even try or have a take away. I thought I would have made that…[Read more]
Maddyxxx replied to the topic Shut the fuck up and eat your (blanks)-ables in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
Okay, okay @nothenrygale has a damn point… I swear to fuck, nothing makes sense today. Next, old Bryan B going to come on in wearing big boy pants and say something actually relevant too…
OKAY, curfew extended. Everyone report back BY 11 PDT.
EXCEPT for @meghanmayhem. I’m not going to be the only one starting before noon.
Maddyxxx replied to the topic Shut the fuck up and eat your (blanks)-ables in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
I can say “butthole”, “taint”, “rusty trombone” and “motherfucking rim jobs ’till the wheels come off” too but I was trying to maybe not put everyone’s mental palate in the same place as you degenerates before they started this task @kipsie, but I thank you for your permission.
Now, less blah blah blah and more finding your inner truth and shit.…[Read more]
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