Lenize replied to the topic Noah and Sarah crash O.C. Meet Up 4/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
Haven’t had a chance to watch the periscopes yet, but finally managed to read through everything and, wow, was there a lot happening last night. I have to say from the pictures Noah and Sarah didn’t look quite like I imagined them from the descriptions, but perhaps they will come across differently in the videos.
Lenize posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Good to know, will keep that in mind if I’m ever able to go again!
Lenize posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Lenize posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Yes, haven’t seen that much spam all in one place ever I think!
Lenize posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago
Thanks to whatever mod person got rid of that spam!!!
Lenize replied to the topic Форсаж 8 онлайн смотреть в хорошем качестве фильм kinogo полностью in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
Lenize posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Am I missing something?
Lenize replied to the topic Stacey Erikson in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
Since the calls going out now are to the beta testers, perhaps they are trying different methods of information gathering with different people to see what is the most effective.
Lenize replied to the topic Gimme All the Periscopes in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 11 months ago
@EziW, although I doubt I’ll be doing any Lust broadcasts, I might start periscoping my cats just to try it out and if they are being cute!
Lenize replied to the topic The Best! My video submission in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 11 months ago
Some very supportive co-workers you have there!!! Would support you after all their recommendations 🙂
Lenize posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Still trying to recover this side as well
Lenize replied to the topic iConfidant Phone Calls 4/13 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
@mike, for now at least there is no evidence that they are doing anything other than trying to help the people who have signed up, so I will be giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Lenize replied to the topic Macy Periscope Drop 10pm 4/13 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
So does the paragraph
I want everyone we have to look into really playing this up and completely discrediting him even further. This could be the last thing we need to completely break any hold outs he might have.
refer to the people they have confirming as keeping an eye on that have applied for the job thing at the system like @julierei, @thebu…[Read more]
Lenize replied to the topic Companion Cube in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 11 months ago
Portal one I got as part of the Orange Box when I got Half-life 2, and I loved it so much that I immediately went and got number 2. Also, there’s cake (just ask Glados)!
Lenize replied to the topic iConfidant Phone Calls 4/13 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
@mike, Kristen and Stacey are so nice and sweet, I don’t think they would be so underhanded, their website also states that:
We employ the leading minds in digital security and all information is confidential and secure. Share and share away!
If they are using the information they gain to create an identity, I’m sure it will only be to help…[Read more]
Lenize replied to the topic iConfidant Phone Calls 4/13 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
Well, @kevin if they were to straight come up to you (me/someone) and say, to “find” your companion we need your facebook, twitter etc. account names and passwords for our system to work, would most people be willing to give them full access? Whereas if they do it sneakily without people “knowing” that is what they have done, they have mysterious…[Read more]
Lenize replied to the topic iConfidant Phone Calls 4/13 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
Perhaps they are only trying to get the security info to get at information that will be useful to them to “find” (or create) your perfect companion. If there is already data available in electronic format on the internet that you can give a computerized system access to, why take the time and effort feeding it that information gained directly…[Read more]
Lenize replied to the topic Companion Cube in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 11 months ago
@pandace88 it’s a cube with hearts on it in the game of portal that you meet very fleetingly, but (for me at least) grow attached to! Although @mkarrett ‘s video gives a good explanation of it as well as a very disturbing and heartbreaking theory!
Lenize started the topic Companion Cube in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 11 months ago
Am I the only one that can’t help thinking of Portal every time I hear the word companion, I miss my companion cube!
Lenize replied to the topic iConfidant in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 11 months ago
I got a really sweet reply!
Good morning Lenize,
thank you so much for your wonderful words. Don’t worry about where you live – to find a true companion it never matters how close or far you are. Your story really touched my heart Lenize and it pains me to know that so many people go through similar things every day, which is exactly why I f…
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When you wake up to a slew of periscopes on your phone and know stuff has gone down in Lust while you were sleeping, but you are on your way to work so you can’t catch up!! Don’t you just hate that!!! View
Pro-tip, Easter Sunday is a great day to go!
Good to know, will keep that in mind if I’m ever able to go again!