Candace replied to the topic Where is your 4th wall? in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 11 months ago
@ziegenbart I think that was very well said! And I personally read EVERYTHING on the forums. I don’t always respond because I don’t always have an intelligent response to people’s very elaborate and highly intellectual theories. But just know people are listening 🙂
@astro4545 I think even people in Los Angeles may feel as you do sometimes…[Read more]
Taylor Winters replied to the topic The Others in the forum SPECULATION 8 years ago
@astro4545, I figured some of us would want to “play a character” and use a mysterious avatar just to mess with people. I can definitely see us getting worked up over that.
Plus, I can see there being some very obvious “others,” but the ones we’ll really have to worry about are the ones we don’t even see coming.