Torn pages of the Book of Anoch

This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 1 month ago by Lawrence Meyers.

  • Author
    • #28375
       Meghan Mayhem

      Discussions in Slack today about the religious lore of Tension and what literary references we have in order to track the beliefs. Someone mentioned The Book of Anoch and I posted the following:

      Iirc Mike and russell were supposed to get the Book of Anoch at the end, but then Michelle tore it up at The End. Which… now that I’m typing this, makes me think about all those torn out pages we saw at MSE

      This post was immediately deleted by A. I reposted and again it was immediately deleted. A popped in to say “just cleaning my keyboard. Calm down.” And then deleted himself.

      Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky.

    • #28376

      After I was told to find the torn out pages and the mysterious red candle in the red room, I asked Stephanie about them in the ritual room and she shut me down real quick, saying I’d be in big trouble if I was caught talking about those items. Seems like someone really doesn’t want us talking about the pages, despite them being all over the place at the MSE.

    • #28382
       Unseen Presence

      Okay, so we’ve discussed the pages, people have posted the images that we have access to (as far as I know) and what is altered in them. All of that’s gone on the forums.

      So why delete the comment NOW? That cat is out of the bag, as it were.

      Is it the connection of those pages from the MSE to the -actual- book? Why would that be the important part to try and make us either miss or pay attention to?

      Like everything else, I always come back to WHY. I swear, the day I finally understand WHY things happen is the day I’ll finally figure out what the actual goal of this all is. And then I’ll either make it clear for everyone else or get erased or something.

    • #28383
       Lawrence Meyers

      @rosie perhaps whatever artifacts or candles where in the red room are the items that made it into the mysterious box that Stephanie left with

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