The Voyeur Becomes More Active

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by Anonymous.

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    • #2360

      Hello all…. I came to Tension towards the end. All in all, I have felt a sense of accomplishment through all of your accomplishments in solving puzzles in the arg, etc. This time around I have chose to be more active.

      I have a very solid and opinionated point of view on Tension before it began transitioning into lust via the book release party, which I believe may have been the OSDM using the play setting to make us believe the characters evil dopplegangers are just the actors that played them. More on that later.

      I have noticed through looking at peoples real names, such as our buddy Andrew specifically, that certain people like him have “been allowed to make huge reveals”. I believe these people are participants, but only so that certain people will be led down the rabbit hole believing if they become more active such things could happen to them as well.

      I have yet to recieve a single phone call or email stating anything personalized. Noah emailed me saying I was accepts but I didn’t hear back from him when I told him he had a week to contact me back so we could discuss his exact involvements in the massacre that happened last november. I stated I could care less about the OOA, or any of the other participants, but the best way to handle something you are concerned about is to eliminate it. I’m sure with the evidence that’s been collected, that would be enough to eliminate him from getting in my way while I do what needs to be done. I ended by saying he would pay for what happened, and he will meet me soon enough whether he likes it or not – as money can buy your way into many things.

      Now onto LUST and my theory.

      Sin with perfection is the first thing I was invited to do with the lust experience. How can one sin perfectly? Personally, I see unless you are truly evil without any drop of goodness (only something a doppleganger could be) sinning with perfection is impossible.

      Obviously there are images everywhere of keys and eyes. Reflection and mirrors are a huge thing so far. Not to mention at Tension I was made look at myself in a mirror and told to tell myself something about myself.

      I have no idea where this is going…. but I’ve decided to try something. Maybe others can try this as well? My belief is unless you have some outlet on social media, or a similar platform to speak to your “followers” that can advertise the experience to people whom may have never heard about it – – you are less likely to get more involved interactions or reveals.

      I could be wrong. But guys, it’s so weird that our buddy Andrew has a couple credits with DLB, and whom better to guide a goon than the creator himself. Especially if it’s Darren’s “shadow”….

      Side note = watching the video of the book release…. Darren has been subjected to hypnosis. Or it was the other Darren. Michelle slapped the shit out of him, spit in his face, and he wasn’t even looking at her. He was looking THROUGH. His eyes were almost clouded over. I want to ask to anyone whom was there, did you ever notice any form of stimulis that would have caused Darren to become inducted? Induction, in hypnosis, is when one is put into the state that allows for ultimate suggestibility. Something like an alarm clock, snapping, clapping, anything that was witnessed that may have caused an induction? Anyone notice anything?

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