The Snake is Shedding, Things Are Changing

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years, 12 months ago by Lawrence Meyers.

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    • #29332
       Lawrence Meyers

      Okay, I’m going to try and Pull threads together: If anybody saw my Periscope from 2/2, I theorized that TPTB lost/never had control of The Experiences and realized they facilitated the rise of the Order, and got scared for good reason. They brought BoS to life via TMC to fight back — not just because they were scared but because they LUST after their own creation.

      Then, using Morgan as their proxy, TPTB aligned with Briarberg/The System 5. The MSE does not yield the change TPTB needs so DLB goes off script while CS stays desperately on board.

      But then Noah engineers the palace coup, takes over, and makes peace with TPTB. He NEEDS them to accomplish HIS mystery goal.

      So DLB goes into damage control mode. He has to undo the Lia story. He tells me I’m half right about Morgan and his and Lia’s “delusions of grandeur”. Why? He can dump @111error because now he’s locked in direct to Noah and no longer has need for a “resistance”. So he drives a wedge between him and Morgan, calling him delusional. Then DLB tells me to forget my backchannels, I don’t need them to create agency because he and Clint are BACK!

      And I believe we are being set up for Morgan’s departure because BoS is obsolete. It served its purpose. Morgan, however, cannot die. If he did, then a REAL resistance will take its place. Instead, Morgan will be cast off and/or volunteer to exit because DLB is going to make sure he feels unappreciated. Oh, wait, that already happened!

      Now that DLB and CS have what THEY lust after back, anything that upsets that cart is a threat. Thus, JP appears to be opposed to this. Hence Cristen’s ban.

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