Symbol Theories

This topic has 11 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by Blondie.

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    • #2462

      Just figured we should have a thread about the different symbols and iconography around the site (and Noah’s site).

      If you click your name in the top right corner and go to the page, you’ll see a list of tabs with symbols to click each representing a different aspect of your profile (Settings, messages, etc…).

      The tab for PROFILE has a hand with an eye on it. From some googling this could potentially represent The Hamsa Hand, better known as The Hand of God. Here’s what Google had to say.

      The Hamsa Hand is an ancient Middle Eastern amulet symbolizing the Hand of God. In all faiths it is a protective sign. It brings its owner happiness, luck, health, and good fortune. The hamsa hand has a wide variety of different spellings which includes hamesh, hamsa, chamsa, and khamsa.

      I don’t know about our profiles bringing luck and happiness, but controlling the way we look and are portrayed to others on the forums certainly lends itself to a certainly level of godliness.

      There is also plenty of writings about the Hand of God protecting from the Evil Eye. Could this suggest that only ourselves can protect from these Shadow versions of us? Since the Hamsa hand is directly correlated with our profiles?

      More reading on the Hand of God:

      What else have you cats found?

    • #2466

      Symbology is probably my worst field so I may not be able to provide much help with analysis but I can at least provide support. For reference, here are all of the symbols that I could find used on this site after a cursory run-through

      Main page, side logo Circle of Lust

      Main logo

      Profile, activity

      Profile, profile

      Profile, notifications

      Profile, messages

      Profile, forums

      Profile, settings





    • #2468
       Meghan Mayhem

      For what it’s worth, I don’t think @wiretrees is really an in-game character, as it’s the name of the web design company they used for both the Lust site, and the Tension site. I think they’re just IT.

    • #2469

      Great work, @thebuz & @thegilded 🙂 Compiling data is such an arduous task. You guys are champs. Especially loading in all those images. MVP

    • #2485

      Well, on the main page crossed keys logo. It seems the crossed keys symbol is very much used by the vatican and the pope, (although theirs is “inverted” from the one used by lust).

      The official view is the crossed keys represent the Keys of Heaven that were entrusted to Simon Peter by Jesus.

      Matthew 16:19

      [Jesus says]: “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

      “The keys are gold and silver to represent the power of loosing and binding. The gold key alludes to the power in the kingdom of the heavens and the silver key indicates the spiritual authority of the papacy on earth.”

      I read some speculations on the keys symbolizing the union of opposites, which would tie in with the shadow theories.

    • #2498
       Lawrence Meyers

      @lenize — nice catch. And inverted. Very good eye.

      Also, the union of opposites is connected to the Ouroboros, as symbols of completion, wholeness.

      — “hamesh” is an anagram of “Hashem”, one of the Hebrew words for God.

    • #3696
       Andrew K
    • #3697
       Andrew K

      Pages of note that I’ve found in that PDF:

      Pgs 280-284: Explanation of meaning(s) of Sun and Star symbols.

      Pgs 287-289: Explanations of various geometric shapes (found in the footnotes on PG 289)

      I’ll keep scouring this book for further useful info.

    • #3698
       Andrew K

      I was particularly interested in the key going through the fire in above the eye in the main “LUST” logo, as well as the dual keys. Some of this has already been covered by others above, but I found the following reading(s) interesting….

      “the Hierophant is represented with his right hand raised in what is known esoterically as the blessing or benediction, with two fingers pointing skyward and two pointing down, thus forming a bridge between Heaven and Earth reminiscent of that formed by the body of The Hanged Man. The Hierophant is thus a true “pontiff”, in that he is the builder of the bridge between deity and humanity. ”

      Fire: Fire is a symbol of both creative and destructive power. Among its many cultural symbol meanings are: energy, transformation, passion, ambition, inspiration and power. In many faiths fire is a symbol representing a test of faith or the measure of one’s purity. This very well may be the case in the two cards fire is featured in (Devil & Tower).

      Fire symbolism in Tarot smolders with symbolic messages of conversion. Let’sface it, everything that touches fire is changed – often beyond recognition.
      In ancient alchemy, the depiction of fire was a symbolic cue pointing to transformation. Alchemists also knew that a dance with the fire lead to alterations. Indeed, fire is one of alchemists prime methods of conversion.
      The fires in the Devil card build upon this alchemical concept. It illuminates a sense of converting base matters into gold. The authentic plight of the alchemist is about converting raw crudities into something refined, useful and glorious. What better way to convey that kind of higher ideal that with the Devil’s torch pointing downward. This gesture lets the intuitive interpreter know that we can free ourselves from the strongholds of lower behaviors (addiction, despair, denial and even ignorance) by applying the flame of enlightenment to the root of our problem.

      Hand: Power, domination, protection these are primary symbol meanings relating to the hand. Hands are historically seen as points of transmission, meaning we give and receive from hands (energetically and physically). It’s no accident that the powerful ace cards are all depicted with a hand holding the suit symbol. This is a clear message of force and power relating to the indicated suit. It is also a reminder that we are able to both give and receive those attributes pertaining to the referring suit.

      Keys: Keys unlock things, and as such, they represent knowledge, intellect, and uncovering things that are hidden from us. The keys of the Hierophant card symbolize the keys to spiritual knowledge, and wisdom. The ancient Greeks depicted keys as symbols for knowledge and life. When these keys catch our attention we may need to ask if we are locking up our potential, or if we feel something is being locked away from us.


      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Andrew K.
    • #4364
       Andrew K

      More info on The Hierophant card:

      “A Hierophant is someone who interprets secret knowledge. On Card 5 we see a religious figure in a formal church setting. He is wearing the elaborate vestments of his office. His task is to bring the two initiates into the church so they can take up their appointed roles.

      Besides churches, there are schools, clubs, teams, companies, and societies. The Hierophant represents all of these because his realm is structured groups with rules and assigned roles. Such environments emphasize belief systems – facts, rules, procedures, and ritual. Members are rewarded for following conventions. They develop a group identity. The Hierophant is one of three cards that focuses on the group. (The 3 of Cups and the 3 of Pentacles are the others.)

      In readings, the Hierophant often represents learning with experts or knowledgeable teachers. This card also stands for institutions and their values. The Hierophant is a symbol of the need to conform to rules or fixed situations. His appearance in a reading can show that you are struggling with a force that is not innovative, free-spirited or individual. Groups can be enriching or stifling, depending on circumstances. Sometimes we need to follow a program or embrace tradition, other times, we need to trust ourselves.

    • #4369

      Good call on the double keys. I think there is definitely something here.

    • #4386

      @anakindrew So glad you brought this up again. I’ve been giving the significance of the Hierophant some consideration and am looking at the card from my tarot pack as I write this. The one thing that strikes me is that the keys in the Circle of Lust are facing in the opposite direction to those in the traditional tarot image – downwards, rather than upwards. Now, those versed in tarot will know that if you draw a card upside down (reversed/inverted) in a spread, this alters the reading. The Hierophant Reversed still represents the traditional, a respect for established ways. Where it differs is that it recognises that those around you won’t always see things the way that you do, won’t always understand your course of action, but that is ok. It’s kind of the “you do you boo” of tarot cards. It’s ok to disagree with your mentors and peers as long as you are true to yourself. However, there is a warning attached – if you push things too hard and too fast, you risk alienating everyone. This gave me food for thought, I don’t know about any of you. The message seems to me to follow your heart, but be respectful.

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