Last night 3/20, was the spring equinox or Ostara, a time when the light and dark is balanced, but the light is becoming stronger. It’s a time of reawakening and new beginnings. Sara and I met at dusk and walked over newly sprouted grass shoots into the woods, crossed a pebbled stream, and settled into a wooden glen encircled by oak trees. As darkness fell, we cast a circle and spent over two hours reversing negative spells, followed by a cleansing and new beginning spell. It was unusually warm and despite the breeze our candles never blew out. Just as we closed our circle, a gentle rain began to fall. I took these as signs that because our intentions were pure, our energy was rewarded.
I believe our spells worked, and that any negative energy directed towards us or the community has been reversed. With all the talk about agency, I felt that this was worth the effort. Magick can be practiced by more than one side. We have that power too and it is strong.

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