This topic has 15 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by Lauren Bello.
May 29, 2017 at 7:28 pm #15276
Meghan Mayhem
ParticipantI’ve been thinking about the truths and lies and how we’re never quite sure which is which, and how we’re never quite sure if some of the people we’re interacting with know either.
So I wanted to share with 2 two things that have been swimming around in my head lately in regards to Noah and his family.
Forgive me, this is going to be very long. Buckle up.
The first thing to bring up is Noah’s position in The System.
It seemed rather odd to me, thinking about when we were on our night jaunt through the warehouse and he went on his spirited rant (and master class in funny faces) on my periscope, he mentioned that he wanted his father to put him back in charge of telling people what to do because he’s good at it and he likes doing it. He wanted to be back at the helm of The System.
And when Horace called and got all grumpy pants on me and tried to tell me I couldn’t hang out with his kid anymore, he said what he needed was for Noah to come back and lead The System.
As far as I can tell, both of them want the same thing, for Noah to be back in charge of The System. But both of them are acting like it’s the other’s fault that that’s not happening. So where is the disconnect here? The only thing I can come up with is simply that while they both want him to be head dude at The System, perhaps Noah wants to do this his particular way and Horace would rather he do it HIS way?My second point is a theory about the relationship between Noah and Sarah.
We know very little to nothing about Noah’s mother other than the snide little comment Horace made to me in his phone call when he mentioned Noah’s sentimental attachment to things. “Maybe he gets it from his mother”. If his father is heartless and cold, perhaps his mother is the one with the soul, which would make Noah an emotional daywalker. He has two halves of himself from both sides of his parents that he struggles with. The head and the heart. We have seen on several occasions that he does not respond well to being told what to do by authorities so perhaps his father realized that if that didn’t work, perhaps he could control him with emotion. I believe that his relationship with Sarah is not an organic one. Perhaps, unbeknownst to Noah, Sarah was “assigned to him”. Like an iConfidant. Hers is a business arrangement and Noah believes it’s real. He truly did fall in love with her and she is there by contract alone, simply to help reign him in and control him.
In private correspondence, Sarah spoke of Noah not as a lover or partner, but as a controlling boss. All she cared about was maintaining the image. In the focus group, she was clearly broken down and frustrated and showing her cracks of having to “deal with him”.
Noah told me in a phone call once that Sarah was clearly unhappy and that he knew she strayed, but she did so out of “her own form of self-preservation”. That she was clearly miserable in their union, but she refused to leave and by doing so was perpetuating her own unhappiness. And Noah said that he went AWOL in order to help her, since she herself wouldn’t leave.
Perhaps the reason she stayed was not out of foolish complacency in the relationship, but because she COULDN’T leave. She was there only to control him and if she loses control, she’s “doing a bad job”. Perhaps that’s why Sarah got so desperate to make sure he “fell in line” and played the “everything is fine” game, even if it was an act, as long as she could make everything LOOK like it was fine and he was behaving himself. And when he said “Fuck this” and went rogue, she panicked because she knew she’d be held responsible for it.
Sarah called @TheBuz in a panic and she didn’t sound like a woman upset about the decline of her marriage, she sounded like a woman terrified for her life. She said “Noah has killed me” and spoke of how they were going to “get rid of her”. Is that because Noah didn’t realize that by peacing out, he was nullifying her contract and putting her life at risk?-
This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
Meghan Mayhem.
This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
May 29, 2017 at 10:55 pm #15279
Hannah Schenck
To touch on your first point:
It seems as though there are two egos wanting the same conclusion, but are clashing against each other. Whose dick is bigger, to put it bluntly lol Maybe this plays typical to the generation gaps where Horace may want Noah to run things more structurally and with a plan, whereas Noah may be more radical and spontaneous. Both ways could prove to work but each one thinks there method is better or more effective. And perhaps you’re right: maybe it’s due to their differences, they will never agree and will always be trying to one-up each other.Your second point:
I think you hit this dead on! The theory of his mom being the one with the soul is probably right. Maybe that’s why he is still so trusting of women, and so cold towards men. Sarah was a weakness that was probably played by Horace and like you said, it was strictly a contract to keep him in line. People who have demons suppressed always seem to have them surface at some point or another and I think we were in the front row for that show. I love your theory about her being a possible iConfidant to him. Maybe we are all seen as people that need to be put in order, and are assigned these iConfidants to steer us that way, even if it is subtle. Maybe this is the portion where they build our trust, and then our iConfidants will start to guide us to do things the way that whoever hired them desires. Maybe this should lead us to be more cautious? -
May 30, 2017 at 12:06 am #15280
ParticipantWhoa, interesting. Her being an iConfidant to him? This reminds me of how much power women have, like in the old days— in Rome, the Domina controls the household. In the “Wild West”, I remember reading about brothel mistresses being influential in towns and even building towns through the finances they achieved.
But steering away from my mental wanderings. The points you’ve both made remind me of the dual nature of relationships. Taking two to tango. And the power dynamic between generations, as much as between partners or lovers. In a codependent relationship, one wants to consume the other by keeping them entrapped. Similarly, in love addiction, there is a sacred component that is tacked onto a codependent relationship… where they want the other in place, but will not touch them. Like the tale of Tristan and Isolde, when they King found the two lovers— there was a sword between them (if I remember that tale correctly). And this is where one person desires the sacred in which they see in the other— something they feel they themselves lack.
May 30, 2017 at 12:45 am #15282
Lawrence Meyers
Participant@meghanmayhem I think you’re on to something. And since we are dealing with Shadows — consider that Father and Son may be Satan and Anti-Christ, going back to the earliest theories of the Sinclair (“Sin is clear”) family, and that they are supposedly the descendants of Christ…
May 30, 2017 at 1:00 am #15283
May 30, 2017 at 10:39 am #15295
ParticipantI think it’s all clicking in my head because other topic was about the slave being sold that cristen @wanda102 commented on today I first thought it was iconfidants. Now I have to think about this all day my poor brain gonna work today!! You just nailed it the theory made sense finally lol!
May 30, 2017 at 5:57 pm #15338
Meghan Mayhem
Yes, I like how you’ve summarized this. Noah has two sides, which means that he will always be a stubborn little shit when told what to do, just like his father, and yet he is also a slave to the shortcomings of emotion, which is why we’ve seen him as both calm, confident, and charismatic…and also manic, wild-eyed, and frantic. -
May 31, 2017 at 12:38 pm #15351
InactiveNoah and Sarah’s relationship is quite fascinating to me whether they were assigned to each or not as they are extremely complimentary to each other.
They both possess attributes found in successful people but not without some fatal flaws.
Noah is charming, unpredictable, and knows when to trust his gut instinct. He’s also emotional, prone to outbursts, and a slave to his bad habits (drinking).
Sarah is calculating, no none sense, and able to make tough calls without worrying about peoples feelings. However she’s also cold, stubborn, and has a tough time understanding the human condition which is necessary in any business dealings.
As of now they are, as far as we know, at slight odds against each other.
But once they have become simpatico they will be virtually unstoppable.
Their strengths cover the weaknesses of the other. They truly have the ability to be a power couple.
May 31, 2017 at 12:53 pm #15353
Meghan Mayhem
ParticipantYou make an excellent assessment @thebuz. And this is a perfect example of where submission is not necessarily a bad thing. Submitting to the acceptance of your flaws and learning when to stand down and work together instead of being bullheaded and fighting for dominance.
May 31, 2017 at 12:56 pm #15354
InactiveYou make an excellent assessment @thebuz. And this is a perfect example of where submission is not necessarily a bad thing. Submitting to the acceptance of your flaws and learning when to stand down and work together instead of being bullheaded and fighting for dominance.
That’s the one flaw I didn’t list that they both share. Stubbornness. Noah and Sarah are both extremely stubborn, which is a common element in all Executive types. They find that it’s their way or the high way. Now if they can only realize that putting aside their stubborn nature for each others own unique way of handling things… well… You’re looking at Claire and Frank Underwood.
May 31, 2017 at 12:59 pm #15356
ParticipantI agree with your overall assessment @thebuz but let’s add that despite her ability to remove emotion in certain situations, Sarah’s proven through her contact with some of us, including you, that she is disguising her vulnerability with her brashness.
They’re far more suited to compliment the finer, more cunning aspects of each other than even they’d let on.
May 31, 2017 at 1:29 pm #15358
Hannah Schenck
As of now they are, as far as we know, at slight odds against each other.
But once they have become simpatico they will be virtually unstoppable.
Their strengths cover the weaknesses of the other. They truly have the ability to be a power couple.
This makes me wonder if their clashing is intentionally caused by someone else’s doing. Is there someone who doesn’t want to see The System flourish?
July 4, 2017 at 2:38 pm #18929
ParticipantDon’t know if anyone has mentioned this.
While looking at Noah’s website; it reminded me that it says
At 22, I convinced my father’s board to remove him as CEO and instate me. When he was removed from the building, he stopped, shook my hand and told me he was proud of me. It was the best gift he could have given me as it solidified that he was entirely too weak to be an effective leader.
Since the initial launch of everyone on the website, we now know who Noah’s father is…
Is this something we should take with a grain of salt, or is this something we should think is something that actually happened? Less so for like “wow Horace is weak af” but as this is how Horace reacted in this situation and what it means?
July 4, 2017 at 2:50 pm #18931
Lauren Bello
Moderator@kortneydarling The Resistance described Noah’s story as “quite suspect,” and I’m with them on this one. I’m pretty sure Noah made it up. What I’m curious about is why Noah would bait Horace in such a way.
July 4, 2017 at 5:09 pm #18939
Taylor Winters
Participant@daela; @kortneydarling; With the information we have now, Sarah appears to me more of the voice behind The System than Noah is. While I don’t think Sarah specifically did this, I think she wrote these as what her idealized version of Noah would have done.
July 4, 2017 at 6:01 pm #18942
Lauren Bello
Moderator@taysavestheday Damn, I think you’re right. Interesting…
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