New Theory On Characters

This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by Anonymous.

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    • #15932

      After the Otiscast last night, I have been ruminating on this quite a bit.

      So far, we have seen both iConfidant AND a group called “The System”. In The System, we even appear to have two versions of Noah, and two versions of Sarah (as far as people’s interpretation of what their “normal behavior” has been). There’s the crazy frantic drinking pill popper burn the city to watch it burn Noah, and there’s the more collected, confident, business Noah.

      There is extremely candor, dark version of Sarah. There is also the more humanized version.

      We are seeing this pattern quite a bit within Lust.

      With Otis talking about what he did with the cards, and power, and all that… I was struck with a thought. What if this dude is not the guy we think he is? What if someone, or a group (OSDM? Investors? Clock-Makers?) is trying to mess up Darren and Clint’s “little art project” by, for whatever reasonings, manipulating us with false characters? This would also mean, within my theory, that Noah and Sarah and people with “dual personalities” that seem to care for us one minute, then lead us to destruction the next – – those people are unwillingly doing things to mess up the storyline for us. To create the storyline for both DLB/CS and some group that is telling their own storyline to throw us off from what they are REALLY doing. What if the play/experience (throwing in characters, controlling the characters we know) is being taken over by someone else? We have heard how DLB is “done with this”… could that be another way that this “always watching group” is using their control to manipulate us trapped within the chains of platos cave? That phone call with DLB and stick man sure sounded staged, even for a play. At one point I thought it was two separate recordings edited together or a sound board on a computer.

      We have what appears to be a home that has been used much like a studio to broadcast from twice now…

      Just some thoughts. If you made it this far, thanks for reading.

    • #15937


    • #15938

      What an excellent theory!

    • #15943
       kody s Batchelor

      I started thinking almost the exact same thing when we saw that blowup doll at the cult ritual on Andy’s Periscope. What if they are making dopplegangers and using the information from the Iconfidants or the information that was filled out in tension to give them a base reading on their “personal history” but then altering their personalities to whatever serves their purpose? Just a spitballing off of your theory. Good work!

    • #15947

      Well, yes. As far as that whole periscope – the Andycast – I believe that if it was a doll, did they want us to see that? If they are as powerful as they claim they could have seen it coming and kept the periscope from happening.

      Maybe it was a doll because whomever is hijacking the show wants us to believe that there is rituals, a cult, this anoch thing… because maybe whomever is trying or has hijacked the show is trying to use all the similar elements due to not being as creative as DLB/CS? After all, originally it was going to be the systems registration. Then Darren got the call letting us know he was involved, but against his will. They saw we weren’t buying not buying into the system, Noah had a mental breakdown, and last second they force DLB to take over registration.

      Also, Could the whole shadow thing be a creation to try to distract us? Like a way to cover it all up, make us believe that there are really these shadow people so we would assume there could be shadow versions of characters like Noah instead of fluctuating and sort of all over the place storylines caught in a power struggle? I think it is not anything supernatural or brainwashing or anything crazy. It is about a someone who wants to see how far we are willing to let them control us…. But then sgain, what do i know? Someone wants us to believe in Anoch again…

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