Mystic Moons Return & Turns of the Season

This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 1 month ago by Megan.

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    • #28330

      ((Please let me know if this would be better posted in Sightings. I still am not sure where what should go.))

      My pretty, I will eat you,
      and when I eat you you
      will shine so brightly within me
      I will tear myself open
      for the joy of seeing you again.

      Then it will be dawn.
      The blood of my desire
      will paint the sky.

      Only you and I will know
      how in the night you lay in my belly
      and at daybreak I let you go.

      ~ “Sunna and the Wolf” by Jill Hammer

      A Facebook post appeared last week. “…everything changes” “2.14.18”

      received a phone call last night, relayed by @wanda102 , where someone, perhaps Ceclia, asked that he share an interview with The Creators, who were “spinning tales, trying to change the narrative.”

      2.15.18 is a new moon.
      1.31.18 is a super blue blood moon.

      To paraphrase Larry, and many Slack folks, we’re fucked. But maybe not entirely in the way we think.

      The end of January and the beginning of February is a magickal time on the pagan and old world calendars. It is the first whisperings of spring, the time when the first early babes of the flock and herd might be born, the time when the goddess raises her infant god to manhood and his mantle, when the may queen knows somewhere her oak king does rise again to strength. It is when Sunna is eaten by the wolf, only to be released again in bloody dawn to ignite his desire again. It is a time of beginnings, cleansing, the spark of love…or is it lust? Imbolc, February 1st by some calendars and whenever the first snowdrops and daffodils appear by others, is traditionally a time to cleanse (a bit of spring cleaning?), to prepare for future prayers for fertility, a holiday for Brigid or Bríd who was a Celtic goddess of poetry, smithing, and healing. It was a beginning time, what my coven’s high priestess recently called “a New Years in a very different way than Samhain”. The dawning of a new time.

      And so it goes with Lust as well, we could say. A new dawn, or dusk, approaches. Whether by Anoch’s conception, Sabrina’s rise to power, Cecilia’s reveal as the true matriarch of the OSDM, or the BOS’s “victory” on the last night of the MSE — change is coming. Beginnings. Cleansing of old wounds (whether to remember their sting or to heal). A literal and metaphorical fertility. What brews within the OSDM? What flowers will slowly reveal themselves from the snow-covered ground of this break?

      And what then does the upcoming moon mean, particularly in light of Cecilia’s phone call? If a full moon is a time for charging energy (in ourselves, into crystals, into moon water), then a blue moon means a double dose of that energy in one month. A super moon would be more energy and power, the closer the moon draws herself toward us. And the blood moon? The sun eclipsing the moon in fiery glow? Perhaps it is the new dawn rising for the OSDM, maybe even for Anoch. Perhaps it is a charging of their powers — OSDM, BoS, Anoch, System 5 — in strong energy tinged in the fires of hell. Perhaps it is Anoch as anti-Christ, Noah as harbinger, Cecilia as the ultimate lady in red.

      Perhaps it is the blood of desire painting the sky, our desires infused in Imbolc-blessed moon glow, our desires feeding whatever is being planned and molded anew.

    • #28332

      Yeah…I’m going with none of this sounds good.

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