Iconfidant Eventbrite Email

This topic has 28 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by Megan.

  • Author
    • #16641

      Tomorrow’s relationships begin with today’s research, technology and trust.

      Today is the day where all restrictions are lifted, and you will be able to meet your iConfidant.

      Be in the area code 90069 at 1:30pm.

      An email will be sent at 1:45pm with the exact address.

      Kind Regards,


    • #16642

      Got the same email. I haven’t gotten any message or indication that FaceTime or something similar won’t happen and to give my ticket to someone who can physically be there, so as of now I’m assuming it will be a thing.

    • #16643

      Looks like the Resist March ends around 1pm so the area *might* be busier than usual around 1:30pm (see https://www.lapride.org/events-calendar/resist-marchrally)

      Excited to meet my iConfidant!

    • #16644

      The Resist March ends with a big Pride Festival in WeHo Park which will go all afternoon. I’m sure parking /traffic will be a big issue in the area.

    • #16646
       Lukas L

      @chloe oh I hope some people do get a face time. Since it said it was a in person event I didn’t try to snag one. Crossing my fingers for you!

    • #16647
       Kyle Bown

      I live in that zip code. Lucky me!

    • #16648

      PARTY AT @bruinbown HO– USE.

    • #16649
       Kyle Bown

      I’ve made a huge mistake…

    • #16650


    • #16651
       Brad Ruwe

    • #16652

      @lukasrl I’m just going by the fact that my IConfidant said it and some other IConfidant’s mentioned it. I’m hoping too, but won’t be sure until this afternoon. If not, then I hope everyone else has a great time today!

      and doesn’t die

    • #16653

      @chloe we also didn’t get a “sorry, this isn’t for you” email like some of the others that had tickets.

    • #16654

      anybody else interested in meeting early somewhere to hangout while we wait for the 1:45 email?

    • #16655
       Maxwell R

      The Valet parking thing is tripping me out. Are they gonna plant a tracking device in my car?!? Who is gonna cut my break line?! I guess I welcome all of the fuckery.

    • #16656

      I’m worried for you all.
      Be safe!

    • #16657
       Brad Ruwe

      Wait… the event is valet parking???

    • #16658

      Haven’t heard anything about a facetime option yet – maybe that’s a no go this time around? If so and they allow for it, someone please periscope!

    • #16659
       Julie R Goldstein

      I’m ready and on my way to my silver lining…

    • #16660

      @coryphella yeah I have no clue, I’m just going on assumption at the moment. Just going to wait and see what happens at 2.

    • #16661

      @coryphella @chloe It may be true that this isn’t the time, but with all restrictions lifted perhaps we can set up something later.
      I just hope some of those restrictions haven’t been protecting us in some way.

    • #16662

      Found street parking on st Vincente, just a few steps from sunset. There’s valet parking everywhere, especially since we’re on top of the Whiskey.

    • #16663
       Kimberly Stewart

      My confidant just emailed me. All she said is this:

      “come,I will be here”

      This doesn’t sound like her at all.

    • #16664

      Random question-is anyone tracking the beta version iconfidant is showing?
      It’s at 1.4 now-has it always been at 1.4?

    • #16665
       Brad Ruwe

      @electrichippo Yeah… you gunna die…

    • #16666

      Good luck everyone. I really hope I don’t have to come back to LA to all of you either being robots or missing.

      Also I really really miss you all.

      Be safe.

    • #16667

      I should be heading to bed over here in the uk, but nervously checking on you guys continuously…

    • #16668
    • #16669

      They’ve just been asked to turn off their phones. Looks like we’re going dark until it’s over, guys.

    • #16670

      Damn. 🙁

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