Hey everybody

This topic has 14 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 7 months ago by Yael.

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    • #11894

      I am out of this game for awhile until I get my shit together. Someone in this is playing so I don’t really want to interact or see his name
      Or his face . Maybe few days when I am good I will be back. Being angry and heartbroken is not good place to be here so I will watching and see how this goes good luck guys

    • #11895

      Hey @sassyyael. Hope everything works out and you can work through whatever the issue is. Would hate to see you disappear completely, but do what you need to do for yourself!

    • #11896

      I need to focus myself it’s more Important to stay healthy and need to recover firsr then when I am ready you will know it. ? Just taking a break

    • #11897

      I hope you return soon @sassyyael. Take care and know the community will be waiting when you’re ready 🙂

    • #11898

      Oh I will be back as long I take my time to clear my hear and figure out what I need to do. I still will want to play this game but with cleared head. Xoxo

    • #11899
       Brian E

      @sassyyael Think of Lust like a marathon, not a sprint. This is going to go on for quite awhile, estimates are until October, although that’s just speculation. So build up those friendships you’ve made in the outside world, stay in touch by reading the recaps.

      Do what you need to do to take care of your yourself, and know the community is full of many wonderful people that will be there for you if needed… All of us have to get away for a time due to real life commitments, or other issues, that’s totally normal.

    • #11900

      Thank you. I am definitely keep watching and reading and always stay on top of it. Sometimes I need a timeout to clear out my head so I can focus on my real life and have fun. Am looking forward to making new friends here of course and it’s challenging but hey I will take it but a break is good sometimes thanks for encouraging words just some shit do happen I need to take a time out and clear that shit out so I will be okay

    • #11903

      I will also second what @mistere says – though we have no idea how long this will go on, it’s likely to go on a long time, and my husband is already counting down the weeks until it’s over. 😉 Seriously though what’s most important here is to maintain a balance with the rest of your life and remember to not let this become your entire reality. Put taking care of yourself first, always. There are times when this can become very difficult emotionally and possibly even toxic.

    • #11904

      @sassyyael you know I’m gonna keep you posted on anything you want to know and we are still doing Valley Drinks night in a few weeks when you’re feeling better. Here for you, love. ❤❤

    • #11906

      @wanda102 girl you know I will be down!!!

    • #11908
       Brad Ruwe

      @sassyyael There’s def importance to making sure you have things all settled with “real world” before tackling stuff like this. Whatever is going on hopefully you can work it out soon. We’ll be ready to welcome you back in and catch you up on all the shininigans that have taken place!

      • #11910


        I will be okay. I decided to take my power back and be active here even it can help memake new friends so be it. I guess reality and virtual r different thing but I don’t want to miss out the experience so Its part of life that I need to accept and move on but it’s important to take a timeout sometimes anyways thanks

    • #11916

      I don’t know the context here but please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help

    • #11917
       Max Z

      Hey @sassyyael , I’m just gonna throw another voice on the pile and say that I sure hope you come back, but I totally think you’re making a smart move by taking a hiatus if you feel this is getting to be unhealthy in any way. I’m sure you already know, but I find the Lust subreddit recaps extremely helpful, as well as the MyHauntLife podcast. A while ago I got swamped at school and stopped paying attention to the boards for a couple weeks ish and those really helped me get back up to speed. Hope to hear from you again real soon and hope you feel better!

    • #11918

      @maxzumstein thank you. Sometimes a mental break is good for few days I will come and check in sometimes but I still want to be active of course and I keep checking the recaps and all that. Can I have the link to the podcast again I lost it so I can check it has captioned thankfully so thanks for support

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