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This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by Lawrence Meyers.

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    • #21287
       Lawrence Meyers

      At last! A quote I know something about!

      “Do the Thing and you have the power”

      There’s more to the quote (as usual):

      “But they that do not do the thing, had not the power”.

      Emerson was a Transcendentalist. I hate to quote Wikipedia, but it’s a darn good summary.

      “A core belief of transcendentalism is in the inherent goodness of people and nature. Adherents believe that society and its institutions have corrupted the purity of the individual, and they have faith that people are at their best when truly “self-reliant” and independent. Transcendentalism emphasizes subjective intuition over objective empiricism. Adherents believe that individuals are capable of generating completely original insights with as little attention and deference to past masters as possible.”

      Which Noah appears to have utterly bastardized into “take what is yours”. Which pisses me off, because I’m an Emerson fan.

      Anywho, the quote obviously tasks us to set aside fear and just do the thing. Doing something champions our individuality and personal power. Once we do something once, it becomes easier. The block is no longer there. We have the power. Failing to do the thing means the power remains out of our grasp.

      [Side note: Science of Mind, also known as Religious Science, no affiliation to Scientology whatsoever, pulled from Emerson. The core concept is there is a divine energy within all of us, that we may access at any time]

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