Email from Sarah (4/10/17)

This topic has 29 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Brad Ruwe.

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    • #7014

      OK. This is sort of going over something I had believed but now know.

      Sarah does NOT know who the osdm is – or so she claims. In my call, I heard it in her voice. She asked what I knew of the OSDM and I almost answered but caught myself mid sentence to say “wait, you don’t know any more than I do about them do you? You’re afraid of them aren’t you”. I had a good 20 seconds of silence after I stated this. Here’s my correspondence with her from today. **oog – I will admit to keeping them guessing and pressing buttons but all from MY perspective/POV/stance on things**
      I do not know who the odsm is… ****

      Tyson, forgive me for a moment but I have emotional whiplash from your correspondence. So far you have demanded I tell you what we can do for you, threatened, hit on and now insulted me. I won’t say it hasn’t been an interesting ride.

      I hope that once we are back on track The System will help you.

      – Sarah
      **** Told you so. I think she knows OF them, but she doesn’t know much.
      Also, spolier alert!!! SARAH SINCLAIR HAS EMOTIONS!

      Here’s my reply. I will keep you updated.

      If the system can help…..?

      I sort of envy what the OSDM has done.

      I never meant to appear threatening, such a thing would be ignorant. I have overtly stated facts – such as the fault line breaking and LA falling into the Pacific destroying all the ignorant sheep hipsters that can’t swim up to Arizona bay. It is merely a suggestion for the brand to take headquarters to build and test AI elsewhere. I know what happens when my phone gets wet, and I can only imagine what the consequences of water may be.

      Morior Invictus!

      “Keep your friends close, enemies closer; but most importantly keep them both guessing of your next move”

      – – T

    • #7019

      Does she respond to specific people? I got an email response from her too… apparently Noah didnt get arrested….I don’t know.

    • #7020

      @lexthewolf – She responds sometimes, and doesn’t other times. She’s a person and I imagine that getting your email bombarded with our requests means that she only has the ability or energy to respond to a portion of them.

      What did yours say?

    • #7022


      She responded to many people. My belief is, like in real life, take in everything you believe that is true about the Sinclair’s and lust so far. Once you have, form your own truth and email her based on that. Do you actually seek self help? Do you like noah? What do you think about the diabetes stuff? Etc…

      Then email her something with an opinion. Not saying that you have not done so. I say this because my very first email looking for updates went ignored. My second more opiniated email got me a phone call. Be sure to post any interactions on here unless they tell you not to (and even then the choice is yours to “betray” and post anyway!).

      Most importantly, have fun!

    • #7028
       Brad Ruwe

      God damnit… I really hope they didn’t track down Noah from his post…. @julierei did you have something to do with this???

    • #7030
       Julie R Goldstein

      @nothenrygale – I may have filed a report with Noah’s medical team. I’m concerned for his health and safety. Sarah cares only about his well-being.

    • #7031
       Brad Ruwe

      @julierei Why do you insist on doing Sarah’s bidding? Are you that desperate for her attention that you’ll sell out someone who clearly needs help?

    • #7032

      I got an email on Saturday! I had Just blindly reached out and tried a different tone:
      Happy Saturday!
      As you know, we think Noah reached out on the forums, but from your stand point, you don’t think so. I know successful business people and EMTs don’t have much in common, but if you want to talk about it, I’m here. It’s a long shot, but how much kindness have you been offered lately?

      Hope your Saturday is going better,

      Thank you Jackie. Things are rather complicated and your kindness has actually affected me very deeply.

      As for how much you have in common with our brand? You should know that EMT’s can be a personal success as much as a the highest paid CEO’s in the world. I am glad you reached out and I hope that you will soon see the power of The System for yourself.

      – Sarah

      *Makes excited noises*

    • #7033

      So far you have demanded I tell you what we can do for you, threatened, hit on and now insulted me.

      Stay classy Lust 😀

    • #7087

      LOL @mike I was just trying to see basically if she was committed to noah. Lol

    • #7088

      She said

      Lexi, your questions are confusing. I have never heard of this OMDS or whatever you call it and my husband has never been arrested. Are you sure that you are trying to get ahold of Noah Sinclair and The System?

      We are currently suspended as we take care of a crucial and unforeseen health matter with my husband, Noah Sinclair but please be assured that we should be back on track very shortly.

    • #7089
       Meghan Mayhem

      @lexthewolf EverythingIsFine.EverythingIsFine.EverythingIsFine.EverythingIsFine.EverythingIsFine.EverythingIsFine.EverythingIsFine.EverythingIsFine.EverythingIsFine.EverythingIsFine.EverythingIsFine.

    • #7090

      @tyson @lexthewolf – Sounds like it could be plausible deniability

    • #7091

      @lexthewolf she used a similar line with me actually in a friendly email. “Everything should be back on track shortly.”

      This was Friday, for reference.

    • #7092
       Taylor Winters

      @lexthewolf and @tyson, Sarah’s denial of knowing the OSDM is interesting. She either does not know of them or she’s lying. We don’t have enough information to determine it yet. But one thing we should be careful of is confirmation bias. If we look at every little thing under a microscope with the assumption that she is lying, we will find things to confirm our hypothesis while ignoring evidence that refutes it. Keep an open mind. Sarah could be telling the truth.

    • #7093

      @taysavestheday @mike Alright. I agree that we don’t have enough information to conclude anything. I’ll keep an open mind.

    • #7095

      @taysavestheday Mmm. Problem with that. If several people have emailed Sarah talking about the OSDM, it’s gonna have stuck in her head surely. If she was business smart, she would have looked into it as soon as it came up more than once – if indeed she knew nothing about it before. I’m not saying she DOES know, even if the OSDM are involved they could be doing so under a different guise. But she wouldn’t keep getting it wrong accidentally…

    • #7096

      Also, @mike

      Tyson, what a great response you pulled out of her. ^^

      • #7105

        @theladyj, you need one of these for Tyson’s original email when he hit on her and told her to take the compliment! And her reply was “gross”. Lol!

        • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Sage.
    • #7100

      The fact it could be the truth is what scares me.

    • #7101
       Andrew K

      Just emailed Sarah, I will post any response I get:

      RE: Noah’s Return…


      I am glad to hear from the others that Noah is back and fighting through this tough time. I apologize if my previous emails were blunt or seemed demanding/rude. I was simply confused and trying to gain a grasp on the situation.

      I look forward to seeing how The System can continue being a benefit to myself and others, and hope that Noah has a speedy recovery.

      Andrew Kowalski / Cinematographer / Photographer
      [email protected]


    • #7102
       Brad Ruwe

      Same. My hope is that the REAL Noah (is that you Levi?) reaches out to someone soon. Best case scenario is they’re using “it” to fill in for him while he’s still out there causing trouble for The System and OSDM.

    • #7107

      @sfire8 ROFL

    • #7109

      When Sarah denies knowledge of OSDM does she always misspell it? If so it sounds like she’s playing dumb AND not actually lying to us.

    • #7212

      I’ve had an ongoing email exchange with Sarah for the last week or so about where Noah might be, but also just trying to stay on her good side. Posting it below:

      Me: “From the sound it, Noah has left the care of your medical staff. If there’s anything I can do to help on this side of the Pacific, please let me know.”

      Sarah: “I’m not sure why you would infer anything about my husbands whereabouts from my release but if you do hear from him at anytime, please let us know at once.”

      Me: “My inference is based on your request for the press release recipients to relay Noah’s current location and to contact your staff if we ever find ourselves in contact with him. Surely such a request wouldn’t be needed if he were still in your care? Just trying to make sense of the situation so I can help.”

      Sarah: “As I have stated, Noah could go into shock at any moment and he is such a hard worker that the release was to remind the public if they hear from him that he may not be in the right state of mind. As you can imagine the effect that this could have for a company that prides itself on his image, this could be devastating. Thank you.”

      Basically the same “yep Noah’s still here” fakery that everyone else has been getting.

    • #7214
       Andrew K

      Just got this response from Sarah from my earlier email to her:

      Thank you Andrew!

      Stay tuned, but I believe you are going to find everything back on track in the very, very near future!

      – Sarah

    • #7229

      I got a missed call from an UNKNOWN number today. Not sure if it’s Lust-related or not, and may never know.

      However, I emailed Sarah to express my support. I mentioned the suspicious talk and and increasing number of theories around here, which I’m sure she’s well aware of…

      I won’t post our exchange, but I will say this: be careful. She seems poised and ready. I wouldn’t want to be on her bad side.

    • #7230

      Say whaaaaaat! Share that noise!

    • #7232

      Interpret how you will, @theladyj

      Thank you Mr Eschman, I am finding that all manner of beast tend to come out when they perceive blood in the water. For their sake I hope these fish understand who is the largest shark is. Have confidence that everything should be right on track shortly!

      Your kind words and thoughts are more than appreciated.

      – Sarah

      Swim swim, friends. Something’s coming.

    • #7233
       Brad Ruwe

      @chadeschman “I wouldn’t want to be on her bad side”

      Oops. Well then…

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