call from noah

This topic has 12 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 3 months ago by Unseen Presence.

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    • #27731

      I got a no called ID and ran outside to answer

      Noah asked if i knew who this was (i guessed wrong cause I couldn’t tell at first :eyeroll: lol )

      he also mentioned calling me since it wasn’t being monitored

      he then got a bit sassy and asked what Stephanie was saying about another location… I told him all I knew was that shes been mentioning an “off site” location a lot

      he then said that she needs to shut up or she is going to get hurt.

      he also apologized for snapping at me and said he hasn’t had time to be on and something about how trying (pretending?) to care for people can be exhausting.

      he also said we might see a few familiar faces including a fellow who’s worn a few faces and then the call ended.

    • #27732

      he also mentioned calling me since it wasn’t being monitored

      As in, the connection isn’t being monitored? You aren’t being monitored?

      • #27736

        I wonder if he mentioned that because i’m further away right now…

      • #27737
         Lauren Bello

        Would that indicate that all branches outside LA really were shut down?

      • #27742
         Drew Huntley

        If there were even branches outside LA.

    • #27733

      a fellow who’s worn a few faces

      Could be a load of people at this point: Clint, Darren, Mike F., Russell, Morgan…

      • #27735

        I was thinking Mason on this. He’s the one who has shifted between the most personalities (or ‘characters’) so far. Also, he’s worn the most masks.

    • #27734
       Hannah Schenck

      Noah dropping the bombs yet again. Well done Mr. Sinclair. Kristin yous a boss

    • #27738
       Lauren Bello

      he then said that she needs to shut up or she is going to get hurt.

      A threat, or an actual concern?

      • #27739

        tone sounded more like a slight concern i think

    • #27740
       Drew Huntley

      I do want to note that with this call and the tone of the past few days the possibility of the MSE being put on and run by only the System crew is looking more slim. This definitely feels like an OSDM event. Whether or not the System crew is part of OSDM or not is another question though.

    • #27741

      Agreed on the MSE being an OSDM event. But I’m still concerned about how Steph is going to play into all that.

      Though also, if Noah is earning us/Steph to be quiet out of actual concern, maybe that means we all need to stop talking about her, stop trying to check in, and maybe not go after her. I’m thinking of what happened to HiB. Maybe trying to save her or find out more will actually make things worse…

    • #27743
       Unseen Presence

      Tracking all of this, I think it’s beginning to become clear (or at least very possible) that the OSDM only offered to ‘open their doors and clear up the conspiracy talk’ BECA– USE they were already planning another event–and believe that sending us all scurrying to the ‘open’ event would leave them free to have the secret one…well, secretly.

      Steph/Stef’s comments have broken that idea wide open. No matter what Noah/OSDM/anyone wants, the possibility of a second event happening during the same nights is now out there. Which means either she’s already said too much–and is screwed–OR has said just enough that now she’s probably safe. Just enough that there’s no point in killing her NOW…because that would only cement our ‘possible’ theories about another event. At the very least, -I- wouldn’t harm her now, if I were OSDM. There’s no value in doing so–and lots of value in NOT doing so.

      Once again, we’re offered a situation. There MAY be a second, secret event. We don’t even know which one WE are supposed to be going to–it seems like it SHOULD be the ‘open’ one, but I agree that it’s possible that some people will end up at either. Or both.

      Or maybe we’re all going to the ‘real’ one, and the ‘event’ that’s listed has always been simply for public view. Maybe there’s an event that ‘press’ might get sent to and told it’s the real one. While we, those who bought tickets, are actually sent to the secret one. After all, then anything we said would be denied by the press itself–because they won’t have seen it. It’d be one hell of a way to guarantee deniability afterward.

      Or, as others have said on the Slack, this may all just be more toying with us. Because once again, we’re all attempting to ‘determine’ what’s happened. When all that may matter is that we’re doing exactly that–and they’re just recording us through it all.

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