"Brendan" (Noah)

This topic has 21 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by Andrew K.

  • Author
    • #3470
       Andrew K

      This may be absolutely nothing. But, I visited Noah Sinclair’s website and opened up the inspection/developer tools and proceeded to inspect every image on his website and reverse image searched them online etc to see if I could find where they were from.

      At first I thought the clock image may have meant something, but it seems that it is a stock image, as I found it was used in several online articles (all consequently videos on how to best manage your time, or get the most out of it.)

      The only image that seemed of any interest was the picture of Noah’s face on the main page. When inspected, it reveals the name of the .jpg file is “Brendancover5”

      So, my question now is- are the images of the man on noahsinclair.com not actually Noah, but just a model they hired? Or is Noah’s real name Brendan?

      Like I said, could be nothing. But I was bored and felt like poking around his website.

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Andrew K.
      • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Andrew K.
    • #3472
       Andrew K

      Here’s what comes up when you search the clock image:


      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Andrew K.
    • #3480

      Ah, another person with web development experience! We spoke briefly about some of the stuff but I do love me talking some shop, especially when we may have missed something.

      One of the themes of Lust and Tension was that people have multiple lives and personas, and that reality is subjective. For example, Tension had Addison but she was played by Sabrina, and both Addison and Sabrina were involved, differently, in Tension.

      I strongly believe that Noah and Brendan are two incarnations of the same person. Perhaps Brendan plays Noah. Perhaps they’re both portrayals of some other as-yet-unnamed actor.

      If you look real deep, some of the stuff on the site is digitally signed by other people that have direct links to other incarnations that we saw during Tension

      • #3483
         Max Z

        @thegilded Well I’ll defer to your experience on these things always. Has the name “Brendan” popped up somewhere before to make you believe that Brendan/Noah are samesies?

    • #3481
       Max Z

      I know the rule of thumb is that nothing is a coincidence, but I wouldn’t be shocked if the Brendan thing came down to something as simple as the web designer’s name is Brendan and someone saved the jpeg as that to remember to send it to him to use when building the site. I must say though I am very impressed by your drive to investigate anything and everything so deeply. People like you are what make this game go round!

    • #3484

      @maxzumstein – No, to the best of my knowledge this is the first time that we’ve seen the name. Although my memory ain’t the greatest, so don’t quote me on that

    • #3492
       Andrew K

      Like I said, it may be nothing at all, or something interesting. We’ll just have to see if it ever pops up again. Wouldn’t be surprising though.

      Regardless, thanks for responding guys. I finally had time today to look a bit into the forums and I feel like I’ve missed a lot, but I’m trying to catch up.

      I’ve emailed Sinclair’s website twice, with no response yet.

      • #3500
         Max Z

        @anakindrew Awesome that you’re looking into the forums. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I assume you’re relatively new (at least new to posting, maybe you’ve been lurking a while), based on your account being created only today. I’m also relatively new, so let me point you to a cool resource: If you’re looking for a really quick and easy way to catch up, I’d recommend checking out the Lust Experience Subreddit, which was actually put together in part by the forum’s collective father figure @thegilded. Even as someone who’s been with LUST since the beginning (but came VERY late into Tension), I found their recap subreddits extremely helpful in terms of organizing the wealth of information and theories and such that float around here on a day-to-day basis. They give you the cliffnotes AND give you links for the finer details.


        Excited to meet you! I can tell by your drive right out the gate to investigate things that you’re gonna be an asset to the community!

      • #3598
         Andrew K

        Thanks for the info @maxzumstein! Nice to meet you as well. Can’t wait to see what’s in store.

    • #3501

      I totally thought Andrew K. was a shadow. I was super sus. Haha. Sorrrryyyy Andrew. Please forgive. <3

    • #3599
       Andrew K

      I do hope this Brendan thing actually turns out to have some merit though haha. @lilmsfancpants – when you met with Noah, was it the same man that are in the photos on his website? Or someone different?

    • #3600
       Andrew K

      @thegilded – I just noticed that the .jpg file image on Noah’s website of him holding up his fist with the watch on is labeled “b4”

      I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the other one is called “brendan5” and that the watch one is called “b4.”

      I don’t know web development deeply- I only just barely know how to use the development panel.

      Is there a way to find out who the author/web designer is?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Andrew K.
    • #3602

      Provided old trends continue, if Noah does end up getting a second name, I have a feeling it would be Levi. And something also tells me he’s going to turn out to be a fantastic singer…

    • #3604

      @anakindrew the actor that plays Noah is named Levi and he’s a singer irl. (Just as the character of Addison is played by the irl actress Sabrina…who is now also a character..confusing..I know)

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Candace.
    • #3606

      What @pandace88 said, @anakindrew. There’s of course no telling whether or not it will actually play out this way, but in Tension a large part of the plot ended up hinging on an in-game character named Addison actually being the real life actress who played her (Sabrina Kern) under mind control. That ended up extending to knowing the real names of all Tension performers, culminating in the Tension book listing everyone, including the actor playing Noah AS Noah. And as Lust begins to unfold and real life people like Sabrina and Darren Lynn Bousman continue to be tied up with the comings and goings of the OSDM, it’s become an unusual facet of the experience. Are we supposed to treat Noah as Noah 100%, or will there come a time when the actor’s real identity becomes important? Only time will tell. As far as Brendan5 and B4 go, those names certainly didn’t come from nowhere, and clues have been left in similar places at multiple occasions. Perhaps this could tie into the idea of Noah as a brand rather than a single person. Maybe Levi is actually playing Brendan, who was the man chosen to be the face of the Noah System. This whole thing is a Russian Nesting Doll, we shouldn’t rule anything out. At any rate, welcome to the forums! Wonderful to have a conscientious, analytical mind joining the cause.

    • #3610
       Andrew K

      @macbethinabathtub – thank you for the info! This multi-layered “character being played by an actor who is also a character” facet is really interesting (and a bit confusing haha.)

      A side note – I also analyzed the photos from the noahsinclair website in photoshop, hoping to find copyright info/author info, but couldn’t find any.

      I did find creation date info, as well as what camera the shots were taken with and the Serial Number of the camera, but that info isn’t quite helpful.

    • #3612
       Lukas L

      Lol so I tried looking into this a bit too deep. I did a search for Brendan Sinclair. I found a twitter account @brendanSinclair and the profile pic was a little dog. I thought to myself, hey that profile pic would be something I could see Clint having. But the account was for a game designer in Canada. So I did an image search for Brendan Sinclair. I saw a picture of Tony Robbins and laughed cus Noah seems like a sort of motivational speaker. I clicked on that image and it brought me the same twitter profile and a tweet he made. And one of the firSt comments is from a guy who has a really pixilated profile pic. None of this relates to lust I don’t think but I found it funny that my brain was trying so hard to make connections.

    • #3613

      @anakindrew, you have to find out what camera that dog pic was taken with. We might have blown this thing wide open.

    • #3614
       Andrew K

      Funny @lukasrl – I did a similar search for Brendan Sinclair and also found the same game designer.

      Hhahahha – @macbethinabathtub – I think so!

    • #3619

      Sorry I didn’t see this thread earlier, @anakindrew

      The man I met was definitely the same person from he end of The Tension Experience and from the Noah Sinclair website.

      Ps. 100% on board with Brendan Sinclair, doggy photographer… and Noah Sinclair, rockabilly megalomaniac. Everything is related. His words.

    • #4170
       Andrew K

      @lilmsfancpants – good to know, thank you!

      And @maxzumstein – as a photographer and video editor, I personally would never name a file/photo/video after anything other than the subject itself, and typically I’ll follow each iteration of that file with “1” “2” “3” etc. It seems unlikely that the web developer would have named that photo “brendan5” for any other reason.

      Maybe I’m just grasping at straws, but I think it must mean something…?

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