A strange deleted post from a couple days ago.

This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 7 months ago by Sean.

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    • #19420

      Hey guys, here’s a strange post I noticed the other day that I captured in an alternate browsing window out of curiosity. It was deleted almost immediately.
      I just translated it out of boredom now. Thought I would share just because.
      Perhaps it was deleted for not being a part of the narrative. Who knows.

      View post on imgur.com

      Title : Discover the rules for the masters

      <br><br>Postawa klęcząca jest też właściwą podczas sakramentu pokuty. Jest znakiem człowieka skruszonego , oczekującego pomocy, szukającego opieki.<br><br>W tym miejscu warto odróżnić postawę klęczenia od http://www.uarchaniola.pl/64-monstrancje przyklękania, jako jednego z gestów liturgicznych. Już od IV wieku przyklękano przed kościołem, jako domem Bożym, przed ołtarzem, krzyżem i tak dalej na znak szacunku. Warto pamiętać, że podczas przyklękania zawsze klęka się na prawe kolano i nie wykonuje się przy tym żadnego innego gestu, na przykład jak mają to niektórzy w zwyczaju, nie czyni się znaku krzyża!<br><br>

      My horribly translated version. Haha:

      The kneeling attitude is also appropriate during the sacrament of penance. It is a sign of a repentant man, expecting help, looking for care.
       Here you have to distinguish kneeling from http://www.uarchaniola.pl/64-monstrancje
      (http://www.uarchangel.pl/64- monstrance)
       Kneeling as one of the liturgical gestures. Since the fourth century, the church was knelt before the church, as the house of God, before the altar, cross and so on as a sign of respect. It is worth remembering that kneeling always kneels to the right knee and does not perform any other gesture, for example, as some have in the habit, do not make a sign of the cross!

      Weird website.

    • #19423

      Ah. Sorry about those. Those are spam bots that have popped up due to Lust’s increased popularity. They were deleted because they’re explicitly not in game.

      Weird message, though.

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