Reply To: Lust FB: End of Chapter One

 Lukas L

So…. well…. um…. ok so…. Overseer is/was all of our IConfidants… Were those the investors behind her? If so I could be missing something but, why then would Horus want people not to speak to their IConfidants? Also I may have just missed was Sabrina after anything other than data when talking to us? Also, is it Anoch she is still trying to summon or is it someone else? Who/what is the sacrifice. dude at the end said something to the likes of “thank you for finding our sacrifice?” Could that be Stacy? If that is the case woah poor Stacy. Backstabbed by her best friend as well as having her hard work destroyed, her clients who wouldnt listen to her, even after she said the IConfidants were SUS. So if she is also to be a sacrifice, that sucks. Did anyone else see this in a different light as I do? I find it odd that Ascention was all about seeing the light, being in the light, and now its all about darkeness. When his darkness surrounds you.

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