Twan Intarathuch posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
So @meghanmayhem noticed that @thecontroller favorited this post of mine that I made earlier, but now it’s no longer favorited. I Just wanted to stir the pot:
“Seems like you all had a hell of a night. Thanks for recording it all on periscope!
Here’s my opinion.
I think Sarah made a mistake tonight… She probably did a rush job on Noah, because what he was spouting made no sense. They didn’t bring their A game at all… They were sloppy, aloof and cold. This could have been an opportunity to recruit doubters, to show their power and the rewards of being part of the system. Instead they thought that their mere presence was enough to convince people that everything was alright. The more I see of Sarah, the less I like. You have to have the ability to appear genuine…The ability to serve the lies with some truth in order to sell bullshit is probably the most basic lesson liars and cheats learn… and they can’t even do that.
So yeah I was #Burnthismotherfuckerdown
now I’m #WatchThemBurnThemselves ”