
  • Certainly much remains willfully foggy and unclear.

    Not an active ARG participant, I wonder if those who are active have fully plundered the connections between the ARG and the live event?

    Curious where our Registration friends are right now. And interested in applying the “Shadow” personalities on this forum to things like the suddenly muc…[Read more]

  • ❤️

    @meghanmayhem has the images I believe? If she is willing to share on here, I can chime in with my Latin translation (sadly we only have a third party translation for the German) and everything else we uncovered. It gave me chills in all honesty…

  • Welcome to Lust. We know nothing.


  • M. replied to the topic Narratives and the MSE in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    I’m a bit confused by the attack on @bcbishop. And, yes, Addison, especially the stuff on Slack. It was surprising to me. I don’t think Bryan deserved that.

    What I am confused by is the whole “You got played.” How do we even know if there is anyone who isn’t being played? I think all of us are to some extent even BOS. We have no idea what the…[Read more]

  • So you signed up for The Lust Experience: Anointment, you went to the event, and you left with questions. You have a few options!

    Read the welcome and brief recap here.

    Dive deep with the Timeline here.

    Or, ask questions on this thread and we’ll be happy to answer. A caveat, though: we never really know anything for sure. Any day the rug c…[Read more]

  • Going to just spit this out there and, if it turns out to be OOG, I trust the mods will delete. But, at this point, I’m 99.9% convinced it’s IG, so…

    Darren’s wife was in my group on Thursday. I didn’t recognize her, until @shaun confirmed in the parking lot after the show. As we were returning to our cars, a man who was supposedly headed into…[Read more]

  • Two of the pages were scanned and posted in #mse_spoiler and @blondie and @coryphella started to delve into the translation. Hopefully that will make it’s way to the forums, because it was super insightful stuff.

  • I had similar interaction. I have a page from the book of anoch. I will scan once back home. It looks like german.

  • THANK YOU, @bcbishop, for bringing this particular set of personal experiences to light. I wanted to wait until everything was done and I could see what particular ‘plot points’ were being added to the overall narrative before I said anything–but I had the EXACT same questions about whether or not what we saw was real as you do when I went on…[Read more]

  • Megan replied to the topic Narratives and the MSE in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago


  • Mike replied to the topic Narratives and the MSE in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago


    Truthfully, I don’t remember the specifics there because her reading of me was intense as hell.

    I also got “read” by Anna.

    Throughout my visit, I kept wondering about all the data mining hubbub we’ve been told/warned about…and then I met “The Beast” and it all made sense.

    In my opinion, that was it. She didn’t read us at all. N…[Read more]

  • Just because Bryan is being transparent about his actions and experiences does not make his actions during the experience selfless. Those are two different things. I am very grateful for Bryan’s openness with sharing. It is always an interesting read and he generally has experiences that are solely unique to him. Although that openness is…[Read more]

  • M. replied to the topic Narratives and the MSE in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    I’m going to add something about “The Master” (DLB).

    Last night I was roaming down the hallway looking in all the rooms. I saw Zane in the bathroom cleaning and looking distraught. This is the bathroom where the male is anointed for the offering.

    My time in the bathroom with Zane was interesting and maybe if anyone spent time with him in there…[Read more]

  • Ok… during Ascension, Darren directed everything from a bank of monitors displaying all the video feeds from the rooms… as a person hiding in plain sight, he and Clint can be in a max of two places at once… so who was directing the show this time?

  • @bcbishop First off, sorry for being a dick on slack. You have some VERY good points here. You know I’m not your biggest fan, but this is really important info that would’ve helped tremendously last night. You did say some really inspiring things last night, but I rue that fact that you didn’t use the platform given to you in the parking lot to…[Read more]

  • Kevin replied to the topic Narratives and the MSE in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    In regards to some other weirdness, and I read into this what you will, but our tickets specifically said:
    Mutual privacy and respect for everyone involved is our strongest imperative and,as such, no cameras or cell phones will be permitted on the property and will be grounds for immediate removal.

    As Morgan prepped us in the parking lot for the…[Read more]

  • rosie replied to the topic Narratives and the MSE in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    Can confirm that Darren was in the skull mask, and Gordon was in the Bauta mask. They both had friends in my group. Gordon revealed himself to his friends as we exited the building, and Darren’s friend recognized him immediately while were were in the dressing room, even with the mask on.

    From a production standpoint, what a brilliant way to keep…[Read more]

  • rosie changed their profile picture 6 years, 9 months ago

  • Did the sunset really happen?
    Did we make it to the Dusk?
    Is the Darkness still before us?
    Let us listen to the chorus….

  • Reposting this from Slack with some detail added.

    Last night was my first experience with The Experience, and needless to say I dove in headfirst! I was in an earlier group (8:30) before all the crazy shit went down, and from the first room, I noticed that many of the girls being kept at the compound were being horribly mistreated. So, I made it…[Read more]

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